Whenever we saw children performing on stage, Clement and I always wondered when it would be Jaimie's turn to have her special moment. Finally, the day was here! The dance school which Jaimie is attending is conducting a little concert for the children. Needless to say, I was more excited and nervous than the super-excited Jaimie! I had her costume, hair accessories etc packed and checked the night before the big day.
Here's the program line up. Jaimie's item was number 5 on the list.

We were asked to arrive an hour and a half before the start of the concert. I thought I could use the time after their final rehearsal to make up for Jaimie but since every parent was already dolling her child up, I figured out that I better do so too! Tying the hair for Jaimie was a big challenge for me. I had to do it a few times and pulled her hair (literally) in the process. It was quite badly done but at least I know how to make it better during her exam. Anyway, I was wondering as I was putting on make up for Jaimie, how could they expect every parent to know how to tie the hair for her child? Or is it just my problem?
Jaimie had a little blunder on stage and her moves were not at all perfect. However, she was confident, excited, happy and most of all, enjoying every single moment of the performance. When she came down from the stage, she kept telling me how much fun it was to go up to perform. She loved it so much.
There is no need to be the best dancer or be in the limelight. Jaimie dear, we want you to enjoy what you like to do, and enjoy it to the fullest. If you like dancing, just move your body~ nobody can stop you.
We are so proud of our little girl.
Now I know why parents shed tears when they watch their children on stage.