Monday, May 7

Mothers' Day Celebration and Kids Fun Time

We gather at Vivocity to celebrate... Mothers' Day. We always have a reason to meet. And we can always cook up a reason to meet, not that we need one, actually. It is just more fun to have one. It's school holiday today as Saturday was Vesak Day. We brought the children out to play at the Vivocity.

The mommies did a gift exchange. It's happy shopping/ eating time with the vouchers!

The kids played from 10am - 12noon. We only planned to play this much but after lunch at Kim Gary's, the kids found the way to the outdoor playground and they continued to play for another 2.5hrs!!

It's so nice to see the children bonding and playing together. We had to follow them around and chase  after them when they were younger but now they have grown to be independent, confident and sociable children! I remembered a few years ago we were at the Great World City playground (cant remember the name...) and wondering when would it be our turn to sit down and chit chat while the kids play on their own. Now, it's finally here!

3 voices:

Anonymous said... me..thanks for uploading this precious post in your diary.


viv said...

Yes yes it has been such a FUN day... Thank you for the wonderful friendship n fantastic growing up moments for the kids

