Monday, July 16

Bollywood Baby


This video contains footage of an object with high rate of revolutions, and may cause giddiness and/or nausea to people who are...well, prone to giddiness and/or nausea from viewing videos containing footages of objects with high rate of revolutions.

The video also contains footage of object performing repetitive cycles for a protracted period, and may cause symptoms such as yawning in milder subjects, cursing and thrashing the PC/laptop for more aggressive ones.

View at your own risk. The author of this blog shall not be held responsible for any cause of giddiness, nausea, yawning, cursing or thrashing of any equipment arising from the viewing of said video.

4 voices:

stardust said...


Maybe you can check if Jaimie can qualify for the Guiness Book of Records - "Youngest baby can turn so many rounds without going dizzy"...

While I watched and felt dizzy liao...

Anonymous said...

Wah piang....eating my breakfast while watching.... ~so giddy~ .... ~~~can't swallow~~~ ....*faint*

Clement said...

hahaa....yahlor. We also wondering whether Jae felt dizzy, and also scratching our heads as to what's so fun about going round and round the pole?

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha.... me and Irwin laughed out real loud! She looked 'gong gong' liao and yet still went round and round. So funny :-D