Monday, March 12

Rise & Shine, My Baby!

Jaimie woke up at 7am this morning. She was in her usual good mood. What was unusual was that I too was in just as good a mood as her. Why? Cos I AM ON LEAVE, BABY!

I think only babies TRULY rise and shine when they wake up in the mornings. I mean, who else can exit from slumberland and NOT have a bad hairdo, NOT have amouth that smell like something died inside there over the night, and have that smile that makes the person seeing it feel like a million bucks?

2 voices:

Anonymous said...

Very cute! I guess our kids will be going to school in the same year. Talia is so learning how to flip.

Clement said...

Thks, Kevin. Is there anywhere where I can view a picture, or a video of little Talia?