Saturday, October 23

Healthy Lifestyle Starts With Shopping

Clement bought the Karada Scan last evening. Since we are in the "health conscious" mode, we might as well be more comprehensive in our "healthy shopping".

This is what I got for myself, a Solus heart rate monitoring watch. It will help to pace me to exercise in my fat burning zone. $105.

This is what I "encouraged" Clement to buy: A limited edition of the Metal Gear Solid MP3 player! I asked him to buy a new one so that I can take over his not-very-old one. Also, MGS is one of his all time favourite game. It will be nice to have this MP3 player. For those who have played MGS, you would know who is "Solid Snake" and "Liquid Snake". Clement has a coded name too. He is "Eat Snake". Muhahahahaha!!!

3 voices:

wolfgirl said...

Totally agree.

You need the tools to gear up for a healthy lifestyle. Especially for running fanatics like you two...

I belive in 工欲善其事, 必先‘拥’其器。

ShanZen - Brightsong said...

Is this pacer a time watch too? Looks cool (I like the colour red)!

Anonymous said...

hi, does the prog that jae attend at I can read teaches her phonics ?
do they start off w phonics first then proceed to recognise words? thanks