This is a breezy Saturday afternoon. Daddy brings me to West Coast Park to fly kite again. This is my third time flying a kite.

Daddy says Ayden gor-gor is joining us for the kite flying too.

I am trying to help daddy to tie the kite.

In the end, he does it himself.

I thought I am quite experienced in kite flying so I try to fly it myself.

Well, I still need daddy's help.

Yeah!! See my octopus kite?

Daddy says, "Be Happy."

He is happily flying my kite...

No wonder he gets tired faster than I do.

Suddenly, the wind died and my kite falls onto the ground. No matter how hard I try, it will not go up the sky again.

So we go over to the playground instead. What can I do at the playground?
I can walk on the balancing beam without support.

I can hop over.

I can walk on the rope by myself.

I can balance on the pole.

I can't bury my feet in the sand myself. Daddy does it.

After an hour and a half of fun, we go to West Coast Plaza for the BBQ chicken dinner with Ayden gor-gor. Mommy says the chicken taste good today. They do not have the frozen chicken smell like the ones she had the last time.
This is a lovely Saturday evening.
1 voices:
Hiya ANgie, love the way you tied up Jae's hair~ :)
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