Thursday, February 5

Bento #56

Ultra-ultra healthy breakfast and lunch.

The unhealthy ang-ku-kwehs which were meant for breakfast were not in the picture because I was reheating them.
Menu for breakfast- 2 bananas and 2 ang-ku-kwehs plus a cup of Lady Grey tea. ( I think Lady Grey is as nice as Earl Grey tea!)
Menu for morning snack- green salad vegetables and honey cherry tomatoes.
Menu for lunch- brown rice with furikake, boiled carrots and broccoli.
WAH~~~~~~~~ SO HEALTHY, hor!!!!
The reasons behind such health consciousness? hmmmm... just don't ask how much CNY goodies went into my mouth every night. LATE night somemore.

2 voices:

Shana said...

yes yes, I know how tempting the CNY goodies are esp. at night while watching TV. I'm as sinful as u leh, some more the only exercise I do is housework! :(

Anonymous said...

ok, so this is more like a redemption eh?