Friday, November 21

HL, HL and LOL



于是,我们之间有了“好料”和对比好料的“坏料”这两个常用词。发简讯的时候,为了节省时间,我们也用"HL"来做代号。如:“my colleague treatd me 2 HL dur9 lnch.we hd buffet.”“I m eat9 oats as bf. it's HL.”


结果,我吃的是LOL。这是今天启用的代号:left-over 料.

因为我们两老都在keep fit,所以我们都尽量不要像以前一样“两个人叫三盘”,而改成“三个人叫两盘半”。这两盘半,一盘是老公的,一盘是我和媛媛合着吃的。另外半盘多数是一个小菜,大家一起吃的。每次吃饭都是老公happy地吃,我喂媛媛吃或让她自己吃,看她吃剩多少我才吃。今天,我们在街头茶餐厅,老公叫一个炒面,我叫一个蛋滑河粉,小菜是炸鸡翅。媛媛把所有的河粉和虾吃光光,剩下的是一些蔬菜,粟米心,萝卜和花枝给我。我可怜兮兮地把残羹剩“菜”倒进嘴巴里,半饱又饿不死的。本来是吃HL,结果变成吃LOL。



7 voices:

Anonymous said...

So funny reading this post. Aiya Angie, you're right that you shouldn't kui1 dai4 yourself, not all the time anyway. Maybe you all should set aside a 2-pax-3-dishes HL day each week to pamper yourselves. The rest of the week just stick to your LOL plan kekeke.

LZmommy said...

Wow! Jaimie finished a plate of hor fun on her own? She has very good appetite! :)
Wish my hub will be like that, order less and I will not be fat! Hahaha...

Anonymous said...

I'm also always the one feeding Zhiyu and eat whatever was left behind by her. While hb happily eat his hot meal. I really "hate" him at those times X(

But finally, i found a way to "yi ya huan ya" Whenever he wanted to eat at his fav Jap restaurant that comes with a children play area, i 'll tell him that we will eat there if he feeds Zhiyu. So i'll happily enjoy my meal while he has to run to & fro to the play area to feed my girl :)

Lydia said...

CUTE post... and very funny description "半饱又饿不死的"! haha!

Anonymous said...

Aiyo! If I never knew all of you, I would seriously 'guessed' that you had starved your little girl for a day - eat a plate of hor fun on her OWN???!!! wOW!

Angie said...

Jaimie's appetite depends on the mood and food (wah~~ still can rhyme!). like today, she finished a bowl of fishball noodles on her own. sometimes, she eats a little and refused to eat anymore. so it was quite hard for us to estimate the amt of food we shd order... and that's why i usually wait for her to finish and see if the leftover (if there is ) is enough for me.
besides setting a 2pax-3dishes HL day, maybe i shd also ban Clement from eating the side dish. muahahahaha!!

Shiny Stars said...

Each family have their own 暗号...yours is very interesting!

Hahaha HL - gets to show u n ur hub are really food lover! Even little Jaimie inherited her parents' food loving! Good!