Saturday, August 2

Indian Mama

This was my first time wearing an Indian sari!

I was one of the organising committee members for an event held in school last night and we had to dress in Indian costume. On Wendnesday, I went to Little India to try get myself an Indian coustume.

Initially I thought I could just pick one Punjabi suit easily off the rack. However, I think I didn't go to the right places to find one that was reasonable priced and looked nice. Well, it was just a costume to me and I was not willing to spend more than $50 on it. The $30-$40 range of the shops I went into had very poor worksmanship. The $100+ range exceeded my budget.

After spending an afternoon in the shops looking at the Punjabi suits, I gave up. I decided that I would just get myself a sari blouse and borrow a sari from my Indian colleague.

The Thai-silk sari my colleage lent me was beautiful. I looked graceful in it when I wasn't walking. Well, you see, the lady who helped me put on the sari tied it a little too long for my height. I kept stepping on the sari when I was walking. So I had to lift up the sari when I walked.

I should have bought some bangles and borrowed my mom's thick gold chain with the big coin pendant to complete the look.

With my colleague Ai Wei.

8 voices:

Joyce Long said... look very gorgeous..nice..

Oh you can also stick a small glistening sticker on your forehead...also can give it to your collegue to share the fun..

Meekfreek said...

So pretty! Lovely sari and the pleats were done very well too. Careful...better not go back Little India dressed like that or you'll get all the Indian men chasing after you and since your sari is long very hard to run!

Noe said...

It's nice! It's nice!
You look very nice in it!

I remember I was really excited when I wore my first sari. =P

LZmommy said...

Angie! You look so pretty! It must be fun dressing up :)

Grace said...


Idy said...

Ya, I was also wondering where is your 小蛮腰... hehehe... it is a standard mah, to show a bit of flesh at the waist.

Angie said...


Lydia said...

My girl will definately exclaim "Indian girl!" seeing you... I never try putting on Sari before, looks like fun!