Tuesday, July 29

The Colour Song

Since last week, Jae has been singing this song about various colours. We knew she must have learnt at the CCC, since it isn't one that we had taught her ourselves. Her articulation was clear enough for us to decipher most of the words, save a few.

The internet is truly a wonderful place, where you can find just about anything under the sun. You just type a few words, hit the "Search" key and voila, you get what you were looking for. So, here is the colour song in its complete form. The coloured words are the ones we weren't sure about after hearing Jae's rendition of the song.

The Colour Song
(To the tune of "This Old Man")

Red, red, red, touch your head.
Blue, blue, blue, tie your shoe. (I think Jae sang it as "touch your shoe" since she doesn't know the word "tie" yet)
Brown, brown, brown, touch the ground.
White, white, white, take a bite. (Now I why Jae exclaimed "Umm!" after this line)

Black, black, black, touch your back.
Purple, purple, purple, draw a circle.
Pink, pink, pink, give a wink. (I'd earlier thought the word was "blink" 'cos she pointed at her eye when she sang this line)
Grey, grey, grey, shout hurray!

1 voices:

Anonymous said...

I LOOOOOOveee this song! Thank you! Now I'm going to sing it to my boys right away!