Thursday, June 19


Our girl has always been pretty impartial when it comes to situations where she was presented with choices involving her daddy and mommy.

In the early months, we had been wondering if she'd start uttering "Papa" or "Mama" first. Turned out that when Jae was 8 months old, she decided to call out both at the very same session. I still vividly recall the thrill and excitment that day as I shouted for Angie to come into the bedroom to witness the little one rolling around on our bed and blabbering "babamama", while I hurriedly picked up the camera and immortalised this precious moment in quicktime format.

Even now, at 26 months old, Jae's impartiality in this regard appears to still be very much intact. When she's muching on some foodstuff, even if it's her favourite snack like sausages or fries, if we are to ask that she share it, Jae'd without fail demonstrate her sense of equality and fairness.

Us: Is it nice?
Jae: Yes~~~! (Jae has this very nice way of articulating this word. Very excited and high-pitched. We love hearing her say "Yes!")
Us: Do you want to share it with Papa or Mama?
Jae: 给拔拔。给嘛嘛。一起吃!
Us: *happily each take a nibble at her offerings* 谢谢, 媛媛。
Jae: 不客气。

Sure, there'd be those times when she'd display overt favouritism for one of us over the other, for example during bedtimes she tend to ask for mommy more frequently. We have observed also that she'd have cycles where she'd take turns swtiching from being a "daddy's girl" to a "mommy's girl". This is good for us 'cos it gives both me and Angie opportunities to "take a breather" during those periods when she's super sticky to the other one. Jae's currently in the "mommy girl" phase, so I'm waiting for my part of the cycle to arrive~!

2 voices:

Lydia said...

You should take a video of her saying "Yes!" For memory sake ;) Bty, sometimes ago I went to your youtube videos and watch all of Jae's video clips, couldn't have enough of her, lol. I still like the one where mama filmed her telling a very long story, very cute.

Anonymous said...

You really have a unique little girl! especially the papamama....

oh, your time will come, definitely! Daughters still click better with Daddies and Sons with Mommies - Opposite attracts mah *wink*