Wednesday, June 18

18 Months Ago

Received an email in my inbox today that was channeled over from YouTube. There was this person who sent me a message regarding this video clip of Jaimie speaking her first words, which I'd posted some 18 months ago. S/he wanted to inform me that that particular clip was no longer available online and requested that I upload it again.

Did a quick check and yup, the vid's gone. Turned out that while it was still ok, this clip had attracted quite a bit of attention leh, having clocked more than 9,600 views online, as well as a string of comments. The person asking for the repost was one of those who left a comment about a month ago. It's quite flattering (though a tad strange at the same time) that a total stranger would view a clip of our baby, leave complimentary comments and then to have revisted the clip and requested for it to be reloaded when it went missing.

Well, I've uploaded the clip back online. Viewed it a couple of times myself too and took a trip down memory lane. Jae was such a chubby little fella back then, at 8 months old. Very botak too. hehehe.

The original clip was supposed to be here. Don't know what happened to it. Some glitch in YouTube?

5 voices:

Anonymous said...

Awwww.....just feel the urge to jump into the screen and hug her! *muack*

Joyce Long said...

I remembered watching this clip at your blog before. It is so wonderful, happy to watch the development of our babies thru these clips. Feel like pinch pinch her baby fats. Have to say Jae is extremely lucky to you guys..

Clement said...

thks angeline and joyce. :D

LZmommy said...

She's so adorable and a very cheerful baby :)

Anonymous said...

aiyo, sooo cute... & sooo clever! can call mama baba at 8mo! =)