Saturday, May 24

Playground @ Home

It was a cool and breezy afternoon.

A perfect weather to go cycling around Jurong Lake for Jae while Clement and I can take a walk to help burn off some of the huge amount of calories we consumed last night with Ah Seng and Bernard's family at Tung Lok Restaurant. Clement even removed the leg rest on Jae's little bike so that she can cycle on it. She has been learning to cycle and can go on her own for a short distance forward before she involuntarily reversed direction and cycled backwards.

Jae was very excited about plan A until she reached the ground floor where the playground was. She decided that she wanted to go for plan B instead. ie. playing at the playground. We tried about 100 ways to asked her to go cycling instead but in vain. She became angry after we asked the 101th time. And so we gave up. Your wish is granted, Princess.

2 voices:

Anonymous said...

The photos of her on the swing makes my heart cringe.

What great control she has, though it looks kind of dangerous for her age....

Angie said...

Next time you need a stunt man, you kn who to call. :D