Saturday, May 24

Eat With Your Family Day

昨天是"Eat With Your Family Day"。中午的时候就接到老公的简讯,说今天晚上约了Ah Seng 一家人还有Bernard与Dawn去Sixth Ave吃巴西式烤肉大餐。后来因为订不到位,我们就改在Arena的同乐吃。

说真的,Ah Seng,Bernard,等等这群朋友,就跟家人没两样。大家都是新加坡人,却千里迢迢到英国才互相认识,结果成了非常要好的朋友。有时候,人生需要兜个圈子,才找到目标。缘分真的是很奇妙的一样东西!



2 voices:

Anonymous said...

Why must wait till 2011 before everyone could go England and France?

Angie said...

Coz we went to UK in 2002-2003. We said we'll go back 10 years later together. but London is hosting Olympics in 2012, so we brought it forward to 2011 instead.:) We're visiting a French friend that's why we're going to Frace too. He'll be visiting us in 2009 Jan. :) We are all so looking forward to his arrival!!