Monday, March 10

Little Miss Sharity. Not.

Me: Jaimie, where are we going now?
Jae: Aae-Port.
Me: That's right. What can we see at the airport?
Jae: 飞机!飞机飞高高!(excitedly)
Me: Yes. We'd get to see aeroplanes. 飞机 is "aeroplanes".
Jae: ....Aae-Planes.
Me: Yes, good. Who are we going to the airport with?
Jae: Uncle Yao-Sing!
Me: That's right, Jaimie. Who else would be there with uncle Yeow Seng?
Jae: Aunty Shelley.
Me: Yes. Anyone else?
Jae: Aae-fin jiejie.
Me: Yes yes....Seraphine jiejie would be there as well. Do you like to play with Seraphine jiejie?
Jae: Yes!
Me: Is Seraphine jiejie your friend?
Jae: Yes!
Me: Would Jaimie share your toys with Seraphine jiejie?
Jae: No!
Me: No? Why not?
Jae: 媛媛 toys.

Hmmm...Think we'd need a bit of work here.

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