Monday, February 25

A Stroll In The Park

Jae took an earlier-than-usual afternoon nap yesterday and she woke up from it, well, earlier than usual. The weather was fabulous so I decided to bring the girls out for a stroll in the park - at the Botanic Gardens.

Mommy dressed her in this sweet little cheery-looking red checkered Osh-Kosh outfit. At the BG, Jae's mood was as every bit as cheery as her suit. She even did a little Harry Potter. Wingardium Leviosa! *Swish and flick*

She also found this....I don't know what it was either....this apple-look-alike...thing, which to her was simply "Ball-ball!". She loved it, especially when I rolled it up the sloped grass patch and it'd just roll back down to her feet.

There was this Jam On rock performance going on at the Shaw Foundation Symphone Stage. This was an interesting event organised by the SPH in that the performances featured both English and Chinese songs. The performers included Jive Talking, Nyak and the Ang Mor Pais and the Taiwanese band Soda Green (苏打绿).

What was great was that admission to this performance was free. Visitors to the park just plonked their butts down on the grass (or on picnic mats, or on the SPH bags that the organisers gave out during the performances), and enjoyed the very spirited jamming by the bands. It was quite a sight. I must say that the accoustics were great! Not some crappy set up with muffled sounds you might find even in some paid concert.

The little one seemed to enjoy the singing too, clapping and dancing to the tunes belted out on stage. Her own "mini-performance" even attracted the attentions of those around her. The couple beside her took a picture of Jae and showed it to her, who pointed at the camera and exclaimed "媛媛!", then continued clapping and dancing.

It was a pity we didn't manage to stay till the appearance of the final band Soda Green. Right after Nyak aka 黄星魁 finished crooning his 881 hit song "身外物", our girl declared that she was hungry and demanded to be fed. Oh may be sometime before this girl would decide that a little hunger is small price to pay to catch a glimpse of her idol(s). For now, food is king!

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