好几天前 ,那块头皮已经在发痒。我不以为意。后来,头皮上长了一粒东西。我以为是暗疮,仍然不去管它。但是,那粒“暗疮”越来越大,也越来越痛。我不去碰它都会痛,晚上睡觉根本不能仰睡,因为它连碰到枕头都痛!昨天开始痛到“暗疮”的周围也痛。涂什么药都没有效。
今天,我“痛定思痛”,跑去看家庭医生。因为我妈妈要出门拿她去旅行的票,所以我得带着媛媛一起出门。尽管我之前就一直告诉媛媛是妈妈要看医生,不是她,她一进到医生的房间,就开始不安地闹了起来,拼命叫我“回家”。医生一拨开我的头发,就说:"it's a boil."开了抗生素给我,还有一条药膏,就了事了。这个过程少过1分钟,我还了30元。
9 voices:
Hope you will recover soon... Take care..
Thanks for sharing, now i know there is such a thing call "boil".
Hope you recover fast.
Thanks, LZmommy and Astee. now i am feeling feverish and has swollen lymph nodes. and pain from head to tyroids area! Darn!! So suay to kena this boil thing. makes my blood boil.
Angie, seems from the pic today that yr boil is 'melting'..look smaller ang getting better...Are you okie by now?
joyce, not really. my tyroid area and head still hurts very badly. i really wonder how come a boil causes so much pain!!! i keep resisiting popping panadol but i buay dar han liow. just swallowed one tablet. now then i feel normal!!! i almost forgot how does the feeling of "not pain" feels like. xx(
Irwin suffered from boils when he was young. Was so terrible. Do you know what is the cause? Hope you will be well before your Genting trip. Take care.
Idy, can click on the link I hyperlinked to the word "boil". it gives all the necessary info on boils, including its causes.
Waliew... then Irwin will be the best person to understand the degree of the pain i am going through now...
Gosh Angie,
How did you get it? I read up about it....has it popped already? Can't you dry it up with pure alcohol? Hope you are much better now.
Thanks Meekfreek! It has dried up, finally!!!! the pus is in the process of draining... phew!!! I AM SO HAPPY IT DOESNT HURT ANYMORE!
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