Tuesday, November 13








2 voices:

Joyce Long said...

Hi Angie,

Actually it is easier said than done to regard the 1/2 as guest. Maybe because of the expectation after living together for several years.

Angie said...

I fully agree with you, Joyce. That's why I always consciously tell myself to "forget it", "nevermind", "cool it!" when I felt that Clement had stepped on my toes.
He is more forgiving towards me than i am towards him. So it takes a lot of effort on my part to reciprocate the forgiveness. Or else my second nature wld trigger me to pull a super black face which will inevitably escalate the situation. but there are still times we both lost our cool.
It's not easy for every couple. But we just got to try. I felt that a blissful marriage doesnt happen naturally. it takes effort, hard work and proper management.