Monday, October 29

Jae the Storyteller

I wonder if there are any Guiness Records for baby feats. If there are, I wonder if there are any categories that celebrate revolving babies and talkative ones.

After her record-setting "Round the Pole" attempt when she was 15 months, the now 18-month-old Jae has now ventured into challenges that are somewhat more static - in this case, storytelling.

Again, as in the previous video, the director would like to advice on viewers' discretion. Here, in a single-cut, unedited and uncut, Jae demonstrates the prowess of her 三寸不烂之舌 and her knack at yakking.

If this is a sign of things to come, I must say in all honesty, that I feel sorry for my future son-in-law already...

3 voices:

huiyi said...

only child like us love to talk. but we do not have siblings to play with. that's why we tend to 自言自语。my strength. but i guessed jae just love to talk. so cute!!
bok-bok-bok... haha!!!

Joyce Long said...

Must say Jae is very good imaginator and excellent in story telling..Both my thumbs are up for her.. : )

Anonymous said...

The story is very interesting. Hehe! Very good, Jae. Next time we can gather all the kids & sit infront to listen to your story-telling.