Saturday, March 24

BayB Get-Together

What started as a simple advance celebration for the Apr 06 babies snowballed into a considerably large-scale lunch get-together involving 17 adults, 2 toddlers and 9 babies, at Vil'age, China Square Central.

This was the first time we met up with other mommies and daddies whose forum userids we've grown so accustomed to through our regular exchanges over cyberspace (not counting the two occassions where we'd coincidentally bumped into Idy Tan and Chin Mama). It's great to now be able to put a face to each of these hitherto faceless nicknames and handles. Thanks goes to Vivian aka ezrababy for organising this event!

Managed to snap some pics amidst the "organised chaos". Here they are - 世界未来的主人翁!(The real babies, not those overgrown ones).

1 voices:

ア-ネスト said...

sooooooo cute!!!