Friday, April 9

Beauty Queen In The Making

Mommy told me that Izzy mei-mei goes for professional manicure and Rain mei-mei's mommy paints her nails for her too. I was so thrilled when mommy agreed to get me some nail polish from Sasa!

Since it's 3 for the price of 2, mommy allowed me to pick 3 bottles of nail polish. I zoomed in to the one with lots of glitter. Mommy asked me to choose those of more subtle colours so that my teachers will not notice that I had broken the school rule. Wait a minute, I should check with my teachers if there is any school rules in childcare centre stating that students are not allowed to come to school with painted nails. Mommy was in her shopping mood (hooray!!) and she allowed me to choose a lip gloss too! What a lucky day for me!

We went to Zhou Kitchen again for dinner. I whined and whined and asked mommy to put on my lip gloss for me but mommy said that we were going to have dinner soon. To pacify me, mommy painted my nails while we waited for daddy to join us in the restaurant. Look! I have beautiful, glittering nails!

I hate to ruin my nail polish so I was extra careful when handling my utensils. I was not convinced even when mommy told me that the nails polish has dried. I was also not convinced that normal washing of hands will not wash away my nail polish so I insisted that I did not want to wash my hands after I went to the toilet.

I really love my cosmetics. I was hoping that mommy will hold a gathering with my friends so that we can have a make up session together. We can exchange our nail polish so that we can have 10 different colours on our fingers. We can also discuss about the different brands of lip gloss.
Oh, I so love being a girl!

2 voices:

stardust said...

Wow, your mommy also let wear so "skimpy" see-through tops to outside too!

Joyce Long said...

Wow!! That's fun...That is the best part of having a girl too!