Saturday, January 23

About Friendship

When I was a teenager/ young adult, I didn't value friends very much. I used to think that friends come and go and I can always make new friends.

However, as I mature both in age and thinking, I begin to value friends very, very much. There is a difference between colleagues and friends. During the many trying period and challenging episodes in my life, I realise that true friends are the only ones who will stand by me besides my family. Their trust, faith and support is so real and it touches my heart and soul.

To a dear friend who is like a little sister to me:

This may be a challenging period. Your dreams may seem very far away and perhaps you may even feel that your dream has been taken away from you. Do not be disheartened. Nobody can take your dream away from you. You just need to find the courage to continue dreaming and one day, you will achieve it. Just keep focused. Do what it right, not what is told.


Too emotional now. Dont know how to end the post.


Some of my friends bought me some gifts which I would like to blog about!

XinXin bought me this when she went to Beijing. This is one of my favourite snack and she couldn't understand why I liked it so much. I couldn't either! I just like it! It tastes like 2 peices of waffle paper sandwiched with jam. It is supposed to be a healthy snack, I think.

HappyPig went on a family trip to Tokyo (and she saw Sharon Aw there!). She bought me these bento tools! WOOOO HHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~~~~~~~~~~~
I asked her to help me buy a Burberry Blue Label dumpling bag. Yeah!! This one must pay her back, of course!!! :)

Such nice friends I have!

5 voices:

levine said...

yes true!! and i like yr bento tools too!

Anonymous said...

I like the fish shape egg tool! I am sure my boy will like it too! hahaha..Sandra @ Melb

kim said...


I think you would love this blog:

I was totally blown away when I saw it, and I just had to show you this. =DD

Angeline said...

I think it works both ways. Your sincerity draws true friends and make them stay with you....

Anonymous said...


i am going back during Chinese New Year, so you will have another big pack of the snack you like when i am back~~HAHA:)