Jaimie had never bought something all by herself. We were always by her side when she chose what she wanted and handed the money to the cashier. Recently, Jaimie bought the very first item all by herself!
I gave her some money, told her the steps (ie, chose the colour of the candy, go up to the cashier, give him the money, wait for the change and receipt, come back to me) while I sat at a distance to watch. Jaimie was reluctant at first and wanted me to go with her. I told her if I were to go with her, I would not allow her to get her cotton candy. The temptation of the cotton candy was too great so she went ahead to do her shopping by herself.
After the first successful attempt, she was braver and had more confident to make her subsequent purchases. Now we have another shopacholic!
(II) Little Miss Organiser
It was about 6 months ago when we insisted Jaimie to keep her toys and books by herself. Otherwise, it was always us who packed her stuff for her. We were very pleasantly surprised to see that Jaimie was not only getting better at putting her belongings at the respective places, she was even organising them! She took out all the DVDs/ VCDs from the rack and kept them according to the titles. Now we have another housekeeper!