Thursday, October 1

Cinderella Story -- Jaimie's Children's Day Version

Once upon a time there was a little girl who insisted on going for a swim in the morning although it was raining. Instead of she herself catching the cold, her mommy caught the flu for her. (No logic, I know, but this is a fairy tale story mah)

She heard that the Prince of IMM was having a ball at the playground. She wanted to go desperately.
Woosh! Her fairy godfather heard her whining and appeared from nowhere to grant her wish. He transformed her into a princess.

He even drove her there personally instead of calling the mice for help.

Jaimie was escorted to the playground to look for her prince.

The prince was too busy entertaining other ladies. That did not bother Jaimie. She simply took off her shoes and started enjoying herself. Afterall, it was in the plot that she had to leave her shoes behind.

Jaimie was hungry after dancing around the playground. Before the clock struck 12 at noon, she left for lunch at Swensens. She had an omelet kids' meal PLUS half of her mom's spaghetti. Daddy had breaded chicken and it was yummy!!

Jaimie took a photo with her mommy who had sneezed at least 500x and used up a box of tissue paper in the morning.

In the evening, the spell was broken! Jaimie was wearing her pajamas again!
p/s: The prince would not be knocking on our door as Jaimie remembered to pick up her shoes as she was leaving the playground. Sigh. There goes my hope of becoming the relative of the royal family.

5 voices:

Angeline said...

IMM!!! That place is really a children (oops wrong)..a PRINCESS pleaser... *Grin*

Joyce Long said...

Wow..Jae looks very pretty with the lovely..

I love your story too...

Jocelyn said...

what a nice fairy tale... I also brought the same tiara for my gal as she said she wants to b a queen, so wanted bigger 'crown'... but she juz wear it for fun... heeheehee.

Angie said...


jaimie knows the hierachy. she is the princess but i am the queen. hahahaha!!!

Jocelyn said...

Elvina used to say she's Princess Elvina while wearing her mini tiara. But don't know why, recently she decided to upgrade herself to 'Queen' and demoted me to 'Princess'... @_@||