Monday, November 17












7 voices:

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery! So how, can still make it for marathon or not?

stardust said...

Have you seen a Western or Chinese doc?

Lydia said...

That's how sweet our girls can be, ya? 真的是感动到~~

Hey, you may like to switch from jogging to swimming, lesser impact on your knee and ankle, but still can keep fit and lose weight!

I understand you have a "door-step" pool right??

Angie said...

Diana, =_=

Stardust, I hv seen a chinese doc but only a little improvement. i will see another one for acupuncture when he is back from a study trip.

lydia, no use. swimming is just as bad. dunno why. :( i find swimming very slow and boring. i can hardly swim for more than 30mins but i can jog for 1hour! i prefer jogging any time! :(

Joyce Long said...

Angie, Jae is truly sensible are really a wonderful mommy to her...

Btw does your ankle swell? How come both ankle also pain? Actually before considering about doing a x ray 1st to find out what is the problem.

Anonymous said...

Awww... that's so sweet!

Shiny Stars said...

Hei take care.....

For an active gal like you, must be itchy to be back on trace again...but make sure you rest your feet well first ya!