Sunday, May 18

An Evening At Clark Quay

When was the last time we went to Clark Quay? I couldn't remember but I remembered Daimaru was still in Liang Court the last time we went there.

So, the place is so different now! There was even a fountain playground for children! Hmmm... I think it was the place where they used to have a live band and a beer garden. Nevermind...

We walked along Clark Quay and Jaimie shouted that she wanted to take the River Taxi (is it still called River Taxi?) Of course we did not say YES to the request... As she was munching on the waffer biscuits I gave her from my ice cream, she saw the reverse Bungee and exclaimed to us that "Ball ball... AHH! DOWN! AHH! DOWN!" By the way, Clement and I both had certificates to certify that we had taken the reverse bungee (they call it Bungee Bullet) in Australia in 1995! All I could remember was that I was screaming and screaming and screaming. I wonder if I have the courage to go on the reverse bungee one more time?

We haven't taken a family photo for a long time. After the photo was taken, Jaimie started to misbehave and sent my blood pressure as high as the reverse bungee, causing me a headache (LITERALLY!) and a fiery temper. The last time I felt this way was during the last Genting trip when we had lunch at MarryBrown....

3 voices:

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh...sooooo super cute!!! I love the one she was pointing at somewhere...

and wow! what else can beat a family photo- beautiful!

LZmommy said...

Lovely pics of Jaimie :) Wondering who is the photographer? Mommy or Daddy? :)

Clement said...

angeline - thks :)

lzmommy - mommy took all the pics. daddy was in-charge of running after the hyper-active girl as she scampered all over the place!