Saturday, May 17

A Beautiful Voice I Love

I found this clip of Andrea Bocelli singing Elmo to sleep on youtube some time back but I have never showed it to Jaimie. This evening, when it's Jae's bedtime, the tune just popped in my head and I sang "Time to~~~ Say goodnight~~~" to her. She found it quite amusing and smiled cheerily at me. I dug out the Sarah Brightman and Andrea Bocelli duet version and played to Jaimie in her room. Somehow she found it very tranqualizing and fell asleep without much fuss.

I love Andrea Bocelli. I really do. He has the most sensational voice I have ever heard of.

The first time I heard Andrea Bocelli was during a rehearsal of a farewell assembly for the graduating students in the school I formerly taught. The beautiful melody of "Time to Say Goodbye" and the powerful voice of Andrea Bocelli shook me totally and brought me to tears. That very afternoon, I went to CD Rama to pick up the album "Romanza".

I love classical pop. And I think Jaimie likes it too! :)

7 voices:

Anonymous said...

I watched this before in Sesame Street too, a couple of times.

I love the song right away the very first time I heard it over the radio but never knew how the singer looked like till I saw him on that kid's program.

Yes, his voice is mesmerizing!

Aces Family said...

Hi Angie,

I am also a great fan of Andrea Bocelli. I had his Sogno, Romanza and Bocelli - A night in Tuscany VCD...(ps: our wedding walk in was also one of his song...hee : P)

Yes, his vocal is very powerful and many times, i teared when i listen to his songs.


Angie said...

Astee, I hv all the albums you mentioned and more! haha!! Yes, i know what you mean by tearing while listening to him sing. it happens to me too. I bet you like Sarah Brightman too? I love her as well!!

Angeline, you must listen to Sogno. I remembered I was marking some assignments when I was listening to the CD after getting it from the CD shop. I was stunned when i heard the song and had to put down my pen and soak myself in the song. It was absolutely beautiful.

wolfgirl said...

aiyah... i very cina.. I only sing the Ah-mei version... btw, is it in Italian???

THink have seen the MTV b4 (Sarah Brightman and Andrea Bocelli version)

erhh my gal can't appreciate classical singing... she listens to 'yi nan wang' songs and she can sing the last word of a few stanza..hahahah

different frequency altogether

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this! I had a particularly bad night with Faith yesterday and I just didn't know how to help her unwind. Then I chanced upon this video you posted and let Faith watch. She watched it three times and though she got excited initially by Zoe and Baby Bear's appearance, watching Elmo getting sleepy made her sleepy too! I had to resort to a few more tricks before she finally fell asleep in bed but the video helped!

Noe said...

This is the first time I have seen Andrea Bocelli and hear his song. Powerful voice.

Elmo's response to him tickles. =P

Idy said...

Did you watch Apprentice? During one of the episodes, the winning team's reward was a private concert by Andrea Bocelli. Wow, that was the best reward thus far, I feel. Andrea Bocelli was playing his piano on the beach, and the team was mesmerised by his singing.....