Today is also when we experienced the so-called "heat wave". The temperature in the daytime spiked to 33degC, more than 10 degrees higher than what we'd been getting over the past week. Even though the temperature is as high as back in Singapore, because of the dryness over here, we'd hardly ever sweat. In fact, it is so dry here that my parched lips are making me quite uncomfortable, even after drinking lotsa water.
We had a half-day guided tour today. Afternoon was to be free-and-easy. After hopping onto the bus at 9am, we were brought to the Bahai Gardens, which was just a short 10-minute drive from our hotel. This was a beautiful garden constructed by the Bab, a central figure of the Bahai faith, which believed in the unification of Mankind. This was then followed by a trip to the City of Akko. We climbed up to the city tower where Napoleon assaulted in the year 1799
The city of Akko had fascinating architecture, with plenty of history behind them.
Our walk through the Templar Tunnels took us from the city to the Akko Port. This was where we had a wonderful lunch by the seaside. I ordered grilled diness fish, and washed it down with a pint of Heineken. Great stuff.
Oh, in the afternoon upon returning to the hotel, I went to the gym. 5km on the threadmill later, the digital scales told me I was 73.5kg. Not bad, considering the stuff I have been eating.
In the evening, the Singaporean delegation decided to take the taxi to a nearby (15 minutes drive) shopping mall to shop and have dinner. The mall was called The Grand Canyon. Yup, I bought more Dora stuff - a clock, a hat and a floor mat. ;P
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