It's occassions such as this that one can't help but marvel at the proverbial flight rate of time. Just see how much Zelia has grown from a year ago~!
Seeing how their baby has grown up into such a pretty little girl, it was no wonder that Ray and Jan were so filled to the brim with pride and joy while singing the birthday song and cutting the cake with their darling Zelia.
Raymond particularly, was beaming ear to ear throughout the party.
The other kids that were at the party - Jaimie, Xaeus and Xalicia, also had a good time watching TV, munching on the food (Jae especially liked the cake), and generally clowning around.
Quietly seated by the sofa watching TV. Ahh...everything's so peaceful and tranquil...
Well, not for long...Watch out! Here comes the 'Kung Fu Trio'!
Zelia, here's wishing you 快高长大 so that at next year's birthday party, you can join Gorgor and Jiejie to role play Power Rangers (or whatever you kidz would be into then)!
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