Tuesday, January 29

Tag: Heroes!

Alright... let me start a tag as requested by Idy.

Since I am currently watching "Heroes" Season 1, well, it's easy: given a choice, which special power would you like to possess?

I was in MSN with Idy when she popped me this question. I told her I would love to be able to read people's mind. This ability will help me a lot in dealing with office politics and human relations. However, being able to read peoples' mind feels like "taking the referee out of the soccer field and replace with 360 deg camera that leaves no room for doubt". hmmmm....

Then as I watched more of Heroes, I am impressed with the mega-memory ability which the waitress, Charlie had. She is so cool!! Being able to speak a foreign language fluently within a few days of learning is like a dream come true to me!!

So, people, who's your Hero?
Let this tag teleport to:

1) Clement
2) Idy

shant tag too many people in case the last few people who get this tag has no one else to tag! hahaha!!!


1 voices:

Idy said...

I finished liao!!
