Thursday, April 19

Jae's Place

Went to Jack's Place for dinner last Friday, cos I got $50 voucher redeemed from Citibank. Ordered lotsa stuff and ate till very full.

But 重点 is that we realised that with Jaimie now having reached the phase where she is really trying to express herself, both verbally as well as physically, a 'quiet and peaceful' family dinner out is not something we'd be getting anytime soon.

Why post this now and not earlier, you ask? Well, it is only now then I managed to encode this video clip taken from my Dopod smartphone (with Super) and I thought, what the heck...havn't been posting to the blog for sometime liow, so might as well put this up and clock as an entry.



1 voices:

Anonymous said...

Haha! Think next time she would be asking for food and eating on her own . :)