Thursday, December 3

I-Pod Craze

Clement bought Jaimie an I Pod. He downloaded many simple games into the little machine and that kept the little monkey very still and occupied whenever we need some peace, eg, continue with our dinner.

These pics were taken on Nov 28th. We went to No Signboard to celebrate our 11th Wedding Anniversary and we asked YS and family to join us in the dinner. The girls had some noodles and were very bored while we continue to dig into the cereal prawns and other yummy stuff. Clement whipped out the I Pod and the 2 girls who were running around the restaurant settled down immediately to play the games.

There were some issues on sharing because both girls wanted to hold the I Pod and they did not know how to acheive a win-win situation by playing 2 player games such as tic-tac-toe.

We let the girls settle their dispute but it was no good. This is a case of "有ipod 没友情"。Friendship is less valued than an I Pod! Hahaha! Nonetheless, the girls did learn to take turns although both of them secretly extended their play when the other party was not looking.
With the I Pod, the adults managed to have a peaceful dinner. Phew~

2 voices:

Joyce Long said...

oh tell me about it..Cherrlyn get to play i pod only with my sister who owns one.....Cherrlyn not really into techno my sister has to navigate for her

but her niece rachel are super the sharing is no issue cuz cherrlyn will let her have it...haha

Samantha said...

aiyo, same prob with my son Gavin...though it's with iphone and nds...he will keep asking to play it at all times. And when cousins are around. they fight like mad abt it. So sometimes I will use the "ban" effect.