Thursday, December 3

Hakka Thunder Tea Rice (Stall number 1)

After Meekfreek shared about the benefits about Thunder Tea Rice in her blog and in FB, I was very tempted to try but I just didn't go about doing it. Last night we were chatting in MSN and MF shared that she lost 2kg by eating Thunder Tea Rice everyday for almost 3 weeks, I decided that I WILL go and try it ASAP.

There were 2 stalls which sell Thunder Tea Rice near my place. The one I went to today is in a coffeeshop about 10mins walk away.

I couldn't tell if this is considered "good" or not but I absolutely loved the soup and the rice! I took out my handphone to message MF to tell her I am a TTR convert now. Then I messaged Clement and asked him to join me in my TTR quest.
It is filling but not heavy on the stomach.
Yummy! You all should try it!

4 voices:

viv said...

wow.. i really need to get my tummy on this!!

wolfgirl said...

I must also try this... will do it tomorrow!

Angeline said...

Never heard of this before, but Looks really good!

Joyce Long said... fast you convert liao...

admired yr zest...cuz you really go all the way..

are u trying the geylang stall soon?

heard it is nice...