Wednesday, May 21

Rojak post

Jaimie's Uncle Ernest came back from the States for his summer break and so we met up for dinner last night. The restuarant that ye-ye picked for the family gathering was Yunnan Garden at One North Star. Yunnan Garden restaurant used to have a branch in IMM and that's where we held our wedding banquet 10 years ago!

Jaimie warmed up to Ernest very quickly and she was singing songs to entertain everyone during the dinner.

My mom told me that Jaimie coughed till she vomitted in childcare centre today. So Clement took half day off to bring her to Sims Place to see the usual chinese sinseh. Clement said that after the consultation, Jaimie asked the doctor for a sweet. Shame girl!

Jaimie had a star stamped on her right hand today. When I asked her who stamped the red star on her hand, she told me "Miss Tan". I probed further and asked why did Ms Tan give her the stamp, she replied that it was because she was a good girl. Of course I took the opportunity to say that school is such a lovely place where they give good girls red stars and Ms Tan is such a wonderful teacher. Jaimie looked at her star with pride in her eyes. :)

8 voices:

Lydia said...

Hi mama,
I was just wondering is Jaimie seeing chinese sinseh all the while? What kind of medicine the sinseh gave, like for fever? Does Jaimie has to drink those bitter chinese brew? Just curious :)

Angie said...

Hi Lydia,

Jaimie is seeing the chinese doc who has seen me and my brother when we were young (and old). he is at blk 48, sims place. his clinic is called 仁安堂.the old sinseh is 刘少杰.he is the consultant for中华医院. his son is now taking over from his dad.

The medicine given is in liquid form. usually it's 6ml for jaimie per dose. i dont kn if it is bitter but jaimie doesnt reject his medicine. i introduced him to my friend too and she finds him good too.

but hor... must be prepared for long queue. clinic closed on Thurs and PH.

Clement said...

ystrday's precription was 12ml per dose. jae struggled quite a bit when taking it...

LZmommy said...

Hope Jaimie is feeling better by now...

Seems like Jaimie is getting used to school :) A very good news :)

Clement said...

yes, jaimie does appear to be much better now after taking the meds. however, she also seem to be more prone to bouts of crankiness these 2 days. one moment she'd be chiming "Papa~ Papa~" and hankering for me, and the next she'd whine and fling her arms wildly (actually more like violently!) and demanding nobody touch her except her mommy!


Joyce Long said...

Oh no.. 12ml per dose. That is a lot. Poor girl. Hope Jae also get over the crankiness in school.

Clement said...

despite her displaying her usual reluctance to proceed to school from por-por's place every morning, once she's there she'd be enjoying herself.

so no, she isn't that cranky at all in school. her random on-off crankiness happens at home~!


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm if after a week, there's still no improvement, could really consider changing doc...that's my humble opinion....cos' kids at this age reacts very fast to medication, in fact if there's no improvement after 3 days, changes should be made already....