Sunday, April 22


Have been video-ing quite alot of Jaimie recently, and there is this particular one that I like. Captured by Angie during our visit to IMM playground yesterday, this clip shows Jaimie demonstrating her new 'kungfu' moves - the "Shadowless Palms of Fuoshan" aka 佛山无影手. This session at the playground also made us realise that our Jae is indeed growing up to be quite a resilient little girl, and not some 'softie fruitcake'.

I've always held the belief that the opportunity to 'strive' against adversity is a crucial component in growing up. It is through hardships that the most valuable lessons can be learnt, and potentials developed. Initially, when Jaimie falls, or knocks herself onto household furnitures, Angie and I would be quite kancheong. My natural instinct was then to immediately cuddle her, sayang sayang, siusiu etc. I realised this only fueled her cries and screams, and reinforced her reliance on us. Then I remembered the story of the man who witnessed a butterfly pupa struggling, with much difficulty, to break out of its cocooned shell. Out of compassion, he cut a slit on the cocoon with his knife to facilitate the exit. It helped. However, after the butterfly emerged from its former confinement, the man was surprised to find that it could not take flight. Depriving the butterfly the opportunity to struggle on its own, to build strength in the process, the man had inadvertently stunted its natural development.

Now, whenever Jaimie takes a fall, I'd remind myself of the lesson behind this story. I'd offer my encouragement to her to get up and try again. No, I do not wish for Jaimie to have broken wings.

Get up, Jae. And take flight!

2 voices:

Anonymous said...

That should be the right spirit! I'll get Iden to sing the song to encourage Jae too. Hehehe...

Anonymous said...

Agree totally. I also did that for my 2 kids. I believe when they learnt the 'hard way' they would be able to 'survive' better. :)